Thursday, September 1, 2011

the dog days of august

Gonna be a short one! We have lots to share about our girls, but not lots of time to post it yet. Let's just say August was a tough month for us. We struggle with not wanting to write "downer" posts, but at the same time we know there are a few people with special needs kids of their own and we want to be completely honest about our experiences.

All that to say it has not been an easy road lately. Cayla has continued to struggle with some things. It's been pretty frustrating at times. And yet she can be so sweet, too. She often asks to hold Eliana and puts her hands out in a "holding" position. After about two seconds and a quick kiss, she is ready to give her up again. Cute.

Cayla has now started preschool!! Yep, that's right. Our little girl is spending a few hours in a classroom! More on this, including pictures, later. Cayla has also been perfecting the art of potty-training! Again, more later. Eliana is still a sweet little girl, smiling and cooing to us frequently. She is now "blowing raspberries" and has rolled over twice from tummy to back, while getting close to it from back to tummy. Exciting stuff! Okay, more later.

We'll leave you with a picture of our two girls from a few days ago.


Barb said...

Hang in there! It will get easier I promise! The girls are both just way to cute :)

codi said...

You guys have two beautiful girls!